Wednesday, 14 December 2011


This logo above which I made through Photoshop was originally my first draft and was meant to be my original design for media project. However I decided not to use this logo because outside of the font “ASN” there is a clapperboard. The font “ASN” looks like it is printed on the clapperboard, but because of the clapperboard, the logo seems to look more like film industry logo which does not appeal to a music video production.

The image below is my original and final logo for my music video project. As you can see the logo is very simple with the coding of black and white which I did through the help of Photoshop. What I did was with the text “ASN” was keeping it straightforward with big and bulky font and in the font I printed the Play, Pause, Stop, Rewind, and Fast Forward buttons. This logo relates more towards a music video production and an effect of simplicity to it.

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