Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Audience Research Evaluation

The audience we did was to purposely done so that we would gain a better knowledge of what the audience would want in an electro/house music video and what other kind of features they would want to see. Most of the audience had recommended two features which were dancers and a story/line. After the feedback of the audience it is clear to say that dancers (performers) is something that we should really thinking about and take on board, on the other hand the idea of a story line/narrative for a electro/house music video seemed quite unsure to us, however we still choice to it on board and discuss it future as a group. We asked the audience about their best and least good music video, we asked them this question because we wanted to make sure that we try to provide them with some of the feature of their favourite music videos have and try to avoid the techniques and features of their least favourite music video. We mainly talked to people from the age of 16 and 30 purely because that around those age groups is our target audience.

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