Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Analysis of magazine ad

In the image at left hand side is a magazine advert of an artist “Wretch 32”, the aim for a promotional advert is bringing a product to the attention of potential and current audience. This advertising is clearly focused on some particular ways which are thus, money and street life; this is an advertising plan for some product might be very different than that for another product. Advertising is typically done with signs, brochures, commercials, direct mailings or e-mail messages, personal contact, etc.
The theme of this advertisement is shown through the colours, image, photography, graphics and font; all these elements are used to build one particular which is urban / underground. Normally advertisements some, grab the viewers attention by their usage of colour and this advertisement poster does just that the black and blue colours represent the urban scene / outlook of the poster. The artists record label / company is perhaps selling as if he is coming from an underprivileged background and is trying to make something out of himself.
The name of the artist ‘Wretch 32’ is displayed in graffiti style font and this font is typical of the whole urban ambience in the poster. Both his name and title of the album is clearly been placed on the poster, this is also quite important in order to grab attention off viewers. The usage of the graphics which surround the artist gives out an uneasy feel. The body posture in which I see off the artist is as if he doesn’t care, no direct mode of address is shown he looks to his right side, a sign that he may be a rebellion.
To the bottom left of the poster there is a image of his album cover, which is very common in some promotional advertisements alongside his website and MySpace, popular sites in which a majority of artist try and reach out to audience worldwide. Other fonts indicate the release date other artists in whom will feature in the album; other elements which are shown on the poster are purchasing options such as iTunes and 7 digital.

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